Veszprém to host street music festival
The Veszprém Street Music Festival will be expecting visitors with a wide rangof styles at seven different venues from 23 July for four days.
More than 500 musicians will be playing at the event, offering entertainment to the public, including a wide range of styles, such as ethno, jazz, blues and rock.
A rendezvényre több mint félszáz zenész érkezik, akik a korábbi évekhez hasonlóan a legkülönfélébb műfajban – etno, dzsessz, blues és rock zenével – szórakoztatják majd a hallgatóságot.
The town turns into a festival square
Apart from the wide variety of music styles, the festival is unique because anybody can become a performer who is not afraid to play to the public and to turn the town into a festival square for a few days with all the other street musicians.
The Italian La Tresca, as well as the Wombo Orchestra, which plays traditional French street music, and the DutchTown Of Saints playing a mixture of punk and folk music will be performing on the main stage.
At the end of the program, a professional panel and the public will both evaluate the musicians and the bands, and the winner of both categories will be awarded half a million Hungarian forints.
Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt
INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata
festival square – fesztivál tér
street musician – utcazenész
main stage – nagyszínpad
professional panel – szakmai zsűri
evaluate – értékel
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