Post in the sky

okt 12 • Kult & Art • Impress Magazin

In the sky above Marcius 15 square till Sunday you can enjoy the photos projected by the ’artists’ of Sky Gallery of Budapest.

Telekom has developed a unique application that anyone can send messages by into the sky using the Sky Gallery app through Facebook.

Futuristic flying printer

MTI / Mohai Balázs

MTI / Mohai Balázs

A peerless invention supports the deal.A hexacopter and its technical features combined with LED technology and 4G wireless internet paints pictures and texts in the sky.

Printed in the sky by the futuristic flying printer, detailes of images and messages recorded by long time exposure cameras to make them visible for the audience.

All the photos are uploaded to the website of Sky Gallery so as not to be lost as the project ends.

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