Nature Photo of the Year
The 123 best works landed in an exhibition of the Museum of Natural History.
Maté Bence, a young photographer from Szeged received the Nature Photographer of the Year and the Nature Photography of the year well. Off of the 3800 photos submitted,the jury has elected his winner photo (Dish-speaking)showing pelicans of greece up close.Even the way he shot the photo is unique. A water-proof case delivered his camera floating right under the nose of the pelicans.
Exhibition in the Museum of Natural History.
The award has been handed over in the Museum of Natural History where an exhibition proudly presents the best works.
Composition, shape and experimentation category first place: Csaba Kis – Waltz
The bird behavior category first place: Laszlo Gabor Szabo – Cream-being
The behavior of mammals category first place: Norbert Forest – Lords of the castle
Animal behavior category first place: Csaba Daróczi – Mosquito highway
Landscapes category first prize: Zoltán Szenthe – Cot of Gods
The awarded pieces can be visited in the Dome Hall of MTTM before January, 27th 2014. Whilst enjoying the 123 photos you also will find labels reading the stories of means and circumstances of the genezis of those all.
Sebestyén Gábor
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