House of Hungarian Music to be built in Városliget

nov 10 • LifeStyle • Impress Magazin

An international competition has been announced to design the buildings of the new Museum district in Városliget.

The House of Hungarian Music will be built using the plans of Sou Fujimoto Architect from Japan.

Five new museums to be built by 2018

The international jury has passed decisions regarding five of the buildings to be built in the new Museum district in the City Park by 2018: the Museum of Ethnography by the French Vallet de Martinis DIID Architectes, the House of Hungarian Music by Sou Fujimoto Architect from Japan, while the Photomuseum of Budapest and the Hungarian Museum of Architecture will be built on the basis of the plans of the Hungarian Középülettervező Zrt.

Magyar Zene Háza - Sou Fujimoto Architects

House of Hungarian Music – Sou Fujimoto Architects

Energy efficient, modern and environmentally friendly

The jury and the 36 experts supporting their work evaluated the applications on the basis of five different sets of requirements. Apart from the architectural quality and solutions of the designs for the future museums, the jury also evaluated the technological and functional ideas of the plans (the expected visitor experience and the museum-technological solutions), the sustainability of the planned building (energy efficiency, ecology), dialogue with the built environment (how it fits into the cityscape, connection with the park and accessibility of the building), as well as the cost of the project. It was also an important criteria that the buildings in the plans should leave as much of the green area untouched as possible.

Magyar Zene Háza - Sou Fujimoto Architects

House of Hungarian Music – Sou Fujimoto Architects

According to the document, the buildings of the new museums will meet the criteria of sustainability in architecture. Moreover, they will be contemporary as well as suitable for the natural environment and architectural heritage of City Park. The buildings have an architectural concept which is unique and forceful and which, in combination with the other new buildings and with the 100-year-old museums will constitute a network of institutions housing a public collection which will not only make Budapest and Hungarian culture more famous internationally, but also provide exciting and open public space both for the residents of Budapest and for the foreign visitors.

Magyar Zene Háza - Sou Fujimoto Architects

House of Hungarian Music – Sou Fujimoto Architects

Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: Ilyen lesz a Magyar Zene Háza a Városligetben

INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata

call for tenders – pályázat
environmentally friendly – környezetbarát
sustainability – fenntarthatóság
criteria – követelmények
energy efficiency – energiahatékonyság
institution – intézmény
public collection – közgyüjtemény
resident – lakos

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