Green Island officially opened on the Danube
The creation of the floating island can contribute to decreasing the environmental load and pollution of the Danube.
The GreenIsland is a service unit, which is anchored in front of the University of Technology. It collects the hazardous waste generated on the ships so the water vessels can get rid of the environmentally dangerous waste – such as spent oil, oil-polluted hold water, kitchen waste – or they can refill drinking water and fuel if necessary.
The first in Europe
Budapest is the first place in Europe where this complex and integrated service may be used from April this year. The operator of the service unit hopes to be able to disseminate this complex integrated environmental service abroad.
According to Professor Gyula Záray, the director of the Research Centre for Environmental Sciences at the EötvösLorándUniversity in Budapest, the realization of the project is a significant milestone from an environmental perspective as it can contribute to reducing the environmental load and pollution of the Danube. The application of the complex and integrated system that has been developed – all the services may be used from one location – makes the operation of the system economical. Furthermore, the fundamental goals of the project are to reduce the amount of pollution, such as pharmaceutical residue, which enters living waters as well as to be able to maintain biological diversity.
Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt
INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata
environment – környezet
refill – vételez
harmful – ártalmas
waste – hulladék
pollution – szennyezés
economical – gazdaságos
spent oil – fáradt olaj
sokszínűség – diversity
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