“Ice cream of the Lake Balaton” elected for the first time
The winner is a “marzipan with champagne and strawberries” flavoured handmade ice cream, which will bear the name Ice cream of the Balaton for one year.
The Balaton Regional TDM Alliance announced a call for the competition with the purpose of establishing a new tradition. Manufacturers producing handcrafted ice cream from traditional raw materials were invited to apply from the holiday region.
The winner is the “Balaton rendezvous”
The jury selected the winner, which will bear the name “The Ice cream of the Lake Balaton” from 16 types of ice cream at 8 locations. The purpose of the competition was to popularize the traditional and good-quality handcrafted ice cream made in the holiday region.
Every ice cream manufacturer could nominate two flavours to the competition. Among the products, there were fig-, lemongrass-, Balaton icewine-, and dill flavours, indicating the diversity of the region.
The highest number of points was received by the “marzipan with champagne and strawberries” flavoured ice cream, the producer of which was Attila Pálfi, who runs the Florida ice cream shop in Balatonmáriafürdő. The recipe of the winning ice cream will be made public soon, so visitors to the Balaton will be able to get a taste of it in several ice cream shops around the Lake Balaton this summer.
Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt
INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata
rendezvous – randevú
flavour- íz
to bear the name – viseli a nevet
handcrafted – kézműves
holiday region – üdülőrégió
diversity – sokszínűség
recipe – recept
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