Aqua zumba, foam party and light painting at the Night of Outdoor Swimming Pools
On August 1, at the Night of Outdoor Pools, 49 swimming pools will be expecting visitors with exciting programmes.
On August 1, the pools and baths which have joined the Night of Outdoor Swimming Pools are offering a large variety of programmes as well as longer opening hours and in many cases discounted admission fees.
Most of the venues are open until midnight but some of them close at 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. The programmes include live concerts, fire jugglers’ shows, sauna séances, as well as foam parties, retro-disco, light painting, laser shows and aqua zumba.
The participation of 49 venues this year is a record as the number of pools joining the programme has never been more than 40.
Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt
INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata
light painting – fényfestés
discounted admission fee – kedvezményes belépő
foam party – hab-party
venue – helyszín
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