22 January, the Day of Hungarian Culture

jan 13 • LifeStyle • Impress Magazin

We have been celebrating the Day of Hungarian Culture on 22 January since 1989 in memory of Ferenc Kölcsey.

The poet finalized the manuscript of the Hungarian national anthem on this day in 1823.

The commemorations related to the anniversary provide an occasion to pay more attention to our millennial traditions, to our roots, to the strengthening of our national identity as well as to demonstrate and to transfer the factual and intellectual values that invoke our past to the next generation.

Cultural and art events over the country

Several cultural and art events will be held all over the country on the memorial day, furthermore, the awards related to Hungarian culture and education shall also be handed over on this day.

Az eredeti cikk magyarul: itt

Interlanguage Nyelviskola csapata

celebrate – ünnepel
commemoration – megemlékezés
anniversary – évforduló
award – díj
national anthem – himnusz

Kapcsolódó cikkek

Megjegyzés írás zárolva!

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