Mucha exhibition at the University of Art

nov 24 • Kult & Art • Impress Magazin

The posters of Art Nouveau painter Alphonse Mucha are exhibited until 20. December.

Alphonse Mucha, the Chech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style. He produced many paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards, and designs.

Fame came suddenly

Mucha moved to Paris in 1887. and in addition to his studies, he worked at producing magazine and advertising illustrations. About Christmas 1894, Mucha happened to go into a print shop where there was a sudden and unexpected need for a new advertising poster for a play. Mucha volunteered to produce the poster, and on 1 January 1895, the advertisement was posted in the city.


Mucha exhibition at Magyar Képzőművészeti University Barcsay room (Budapest, VI. Andrásy sreet 69-71.) is open until 20. December.

Zentai Bogi

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