Cherry blossom festival in ELTE Botanical Garden
On the first and second weekends of April, the Japanese Sakura festival will be held in the ELTE Botanical Garden in Budapest.
The visitors – similarly to the Japanese traditions – can sit around on blankets while having a picnic in the ELTE Botanical Garden and enjoy the beautiful view of the blooming cherry trees.
The tradition of Sakura
Sakura is at the center of the cherry blossom festival, the short life cycle of flowers symbolizes the ideals of purity and simplicity. The flower viewing festivals are held in almost every part of Japan, the exact time of the festivals depends on the time of blooming. The cherry flowers are very sensitive and there are only a few days when the rows of blooming trees may be viewed before the petals fall off. Japanese people make the most of these few days: they go to a nearby park together with their family or colleagues to enjoy the magnificent natural spectacle.
Japanese drum concert and fencing shows
The Bukyukai Kyudo Sports Club will perform a Japanese bow and arrow show in the Botanical Garden on 5 April, while on 6 April Tünde Bakos will perform Japanese songs using the traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument, the koto, while Keidzsiro Takaku will play the Japanese three-stringed lute, the shamisen. On 12 April, László Kenéz will perform pieces on the traditional Japanese bamboo flute, the shakuhatchi, and on the same day Zsolt Balassy and the OneRiverIaidoAcademy will welcome interested visitors with a Japanese fencing show. András Villányi G. and Júlia Lázár will recite poetry and on 13 April the Japanese drum band, Taiko will perform a concert.
Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: itt
INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata
Cherry blossom – cseresznyevirág
Botanical Garden -Füvészkert
Blooming – virágzás
Fencing – kardvívás
Stringed musical instrument – japán húros hangszer
Recite – verset mond
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