Huge apple distribution machine at Erzsébet tér

okt 27 • LifeStyle • Impress Magazin

People can take green apples for free from the huge apple distribution machines.

The first Apple Day was organized on 30 October 1990 in Covent Garden, London. Hungary now joins by holding the Hungarian Apple Days on 29-30-31 October 2014 on Erzsébet tér in Budapest, on 29 October in Győr (in front of Arrabona), in Szeged (at Széchenyi square), in Debrecen (at the corner of Piac utca and Gambrius köz) and in Pécs (in front of Árkád).

Apples will be distributed at each location, but in Erzsébet tér in Budapest Telekom will construct a free apple distribution machine, which is possibly the largest one in the world.

The giant machine will be 4.5 meter high and it will contain about 600 apples. The machine will be refilled continuously, so that everyone will be able to get their share.

Az eredeti cikk MAGYARUL: Hatalmas almaosztó berendezés az Erzsébet-téren

INTERLANGUAGE Nyelviskola csapata

distribution – osztás
organize – szervez
contain – tartalmaz
refill – újratölt

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